So, you have been hearing the buzz about the best electronic shisha pair - SHISHaah!™ and FLAVaah!™ - and wondering what really makes them so special. Well, it’s time to rest your curiosity for good as this mystery unravels.

Both have established an iconic presence in their respective
e-shisha categories and rightly so. Foremost, they stand out like a ‘Jewel in
the Crowd’ of e-shishas available in the market today. They have been crafted
with utmost care and precision which shows evidently in their intricate
detailing and the eye-catching design.
This is followed up by a breath-taking experience on the
other sensory fronts, delivered by its extremely high quality ingredients.
Further, its pure yet simple primary ingredient – the e-liquid – is extremely
economical too. Thus, the cheap e-liquid
ensures that both SHISHaah!™ and FLAVaah!™ are also synonymous with the delight
of a healthy bank balance. All this means that this e-shisha pair has an equal
amount of substance to their splendid personalities to be called ‘The Colonial
bought one today from w h smith t strenshm services, does not work at all do not buy is my recomendation